Unfortunately, owing to a injury suffered by our intrepid bass player, John, in late September 2016, the Canyon Mountain crew will be taking it easy for awhile. We hope to be back picking by next Festival season, so please keep us in mind!
Had a wonderful time at the Shady Grove Bluegrass Festival in Nanton, Alberta. It’s a great event in a great location. Check it out sometime:
The 2016 Kluane Mountain Bluegrass Festival is a wrap and it may have been the best one ever. We opened for The Grascals!!!
The Kluane Mountain Bluegrass Festival returned to Haines Junction for 2015. What a privilege to perform again at such an amazing event!
Our CD Release Concert Nov. 14 at the Old Fire Hall was a sell out! We had ourselves one fine party. Thanks to everyone who came. Special thanks to the merry band at Yukon Bluegrass (who hosted the bar and goodies) and to Christine Genier at CHON and Dave White at CBC for having us in to talk about the CD project and play some tunes from the record.
Canyon Mountain’s new CD Northbound was recorded in May at Green Needle Records in Whitehorse and is now available!!!! Purchase at Dean’s Strings, Mac’s Fireweed Books, or on-line on our “Music” page.
Thanks to Jenna and everyone else at the Dawson City Music Festival. What a great event. We had a wonderful time and the pot luck band scramble on Sunday was a total blast!